« Extreme Travels » (Экстремальные путешествия), a Russian travel operator, blackmails a French citizen, in Pakistan, with terrorism accusations.

Olga Leonidovna Ozerova, aka Olga Sim (Ольга Сим), from "Extreme Travels in Russia" (Экстремальные путешествия) is involved, in Pakistan, in an insane stalking plan. Discover her threat of hiring 10 agitators as false witnesses in order to file a terrorism case to Pakistani authorities against the French photographer and writer Bernard Grua. See how her ultimatum was slammed in an inflammatory manner. Read the debunking of her blatant lies. Understand how she is exposing at risk herself and her company.
Olga Leonidovna Ozerova, aka Olga Sim (Ольга Сим), from « Extreme Travels in Russia » (Экстремальные путешествия), aka « Russian Extreme Travels », aka « Trekking in Altai », is involved, in Pakistan, in an insane stalking plan. Discover her threat of hiring 10 agitators as false witnesses in order to file a terrorism case to Pakistani authorities against the French photographer and writer Bernard Grua. See how her ultimatum was slammed in an inflammatory manner. Read the debunking of her blatant lies. Understand how she is exposing at risk herself and her company.

A Russian travel operator taking part in the cyberharassment scheme of a Pakistani stalker against a French citizen.

Olga Leonidovna Ozerova, aka Olga Sim (Ольга Сим), from "Extrem Travels in Russia" (Экстремальные путешествия) is involved, in Pakistan. Discover how the Russian tourist agent Olga Leonidovna Ozerova, aka Olga Sim (Ольга Сим), sent an ultimatum with incredible allegations, including terrorism, backed by the threat of hiring 10 false witnesses for a complaint to Pakistani authorities against the French photographer, writer and media contributor, Bernard Grua. Appreciate how Ms Ozerova's expected victim strongly slammed the forger with explicit disdain, before dumping her blackmail. Russian Extreme Travels, Trekking in Altai
Main picture from Olga Leonidovna Ozerova Instagram account: « extreme.travels »

Discover how the Russian tourist agent Olga Leonidovna Ozerova, aka Olga Sim (Ольга Сим), sent an ultimatum with incredible allegations, including terrorism, backed by the threat of hiring 10 false witnesses for a complaint to Pakistani authorities against the French photographer, writer and media contributor, Bernard Grua. Appreciate how Ms Ozerova’s expected victim strongly slammed the forger with explicit disdain, before dumping her blackmail. Read more…

Extreme Travels in Russia (Trekking in Altai) and all Olga Sim’s steps leading to blackmail and Contempt of Court in Pakistan

Extreme Travels in Russia, Trekking in Altai, Russian Extreme Travels, and all Olga Sim's steps leading to a blackmail and a contempt of court in Pakistan. Head Russian Extreme Travels, Trekking in Altai
Main picture from « Trekking in Altai » Facebook Page

Extreme Travels in Russia, aka Trekking in Altai, aka Russian Extreme Travels and Ms Olga Leonidovna Ozerova, aka Olga Sim, took a decisive part in the ignition of a malevolent cyber-case conducted by a Karachi radicalized female. From a shadow influencer, recycling a neo-Stalinist propaganda, this Russian tourist operator turned into an official accomplice of a mephitic enterprise targetting a Pakistani mountain community and its European guests.
We will reveal, here, all Ms Ozerova’s steps resulting in an outrageous blackmail against a French citizen, with potential false testimonies brought to Pakistani Government, which may be sanctioned as a Comptent of Court. Read more…

Debunking the “maskirovka”, propaganda and blackmail, of a Russian travel operator, against a French photographer & blogger in Pakistan

Olga Leonidovna Ozerova, aka Olga Sim (Ольга Сим), from "Extrem Travels in Russia" (Экстремальные путешествия) is involved, in Pakistan. Read how the delirious accusations of Olga Leonidovna Ozerova, from "Extreme Travels" (Экстремальные путешествия) are proved to be despicable lies revealing the physchopathic dimension of her stalking partner, the radicalized, racist and xenophobic Pakistani Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Alam, from Karachi. Learn how this complicity exposes a common ideology of hatred and violence turned against the mountain Ismaili ethnical minority of Hunza and against its western foreign guests. Russian Extreme Travels, Trekking in Altai
Main picture from Olga Leonidovna Ozerova Instagram account: « extreme.travels »

Read how the delirious accusations of Olga Leonidovna Ozerova, from « Russian Extreme Travels » (Экстремальные путешествия), aka « Trekking in Altai » are proved to be despicable lies revealing the physchopathic dimension of her stalking partner, the radicalized, racist and xenophobic Pakistani Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, from Karachi. Learn how this complicity exposes a common ideology of hatred and violence turned against the mountain Ismaili ethnical minority of Hunza and against its western foreign guests. Read more…

“Extreme Travels”, a Russian tour company entering troubled and choppy waters, in Pakistan, after morally and legally questionable compromises.

Olga Leonidovna Ozerova, aka Olga Sim (Ольга Сим), from "Extrem Travels in Russia" (Экстремальные путешествия) is involved, in Pakistan. Get a presentation of Russian "Extrem Travels" (Экстремальные путешествия) activity in Pakistan. Understand how the company is going towards operational difficulties and legal damages in this country because of the  mindless Ozerova-Akhtar's case. Assess how it may endanger, if not terminating, "Extreme Travels" whole business. Russian Extreme Travels, Trekking in Altai
Main picture: Bernard Grua

Get a presentation of « Russian Extreme Travels » (Экстремальные путешествия), aka « Trekking in Altai » activity in Pakistan. Understand how the company is going towards operational difficulties and legal damages in this country because of the  mindless Ozerova-Akhtar’s case. Assess how it may endanger, if not terminating, « Extreme Travels in Russia » whole business. Read more…

Dear readers, now this is your turn, please comment and share!

If you find unacceptable that a RUSSIAN person dares to blackmail a FRENCH citizen with threatening him of complaint for TERRORISM to the PAKISTANI government, if you consider a Russian citizen threatening of launching Pathan agitators behind a French citizen is insane, please share this article.

Do not hesitate to comment below with your name or anonymously if you want to give your opinion, if you have any relevant information about Ms Olga Leonidovna Ozerova‘s potential connections with Pakistani criminal and jihadist networks or if you want to get more information about the two accomplices, Ms Akhtar and Ms Ozera.

All comments will receive a reply.

Follow on Facebook: Russian Extreme Travels – Экстремальные Путешествия

Many thanks in advance.

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Olga Leonidovna Ozerova, aka Olga Sim (Ольга Сим), from "Extreme Travels in Russia" (Экстремальные путешествия) is involved, in Pakistan, in an insane stalking plan. Discover her threat of hiring 10 agitators as false witnesses in order to file a terrorism case to Pakistani authorities against the French photographer and writer Bernard Grua. See how her ultimatum was slammed in an inflammatory manner. Read the debunking of her blatant lies. Understand how she is exposing at risk herself and her company. Pi. Russian Extreme Travels, Trekking in Altai
Two ictures left from Olga Leonidovna Ozerova Instagram account: « extreme.travels ». Right picture Bernard Grua

Use of the public pictures from Olga Leonidovna Ozerova, aka Olga Sim from “Extreme Travels”:
« In many countries, certain uses of copyright-protected works do not infringe the copyright owner’s rights. For example, in the United States, copyright rights are limited by the doctrine of « fair use, » under which certain uses of copyrighted material for, but not limited to, criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research may be considered fair. U.S. judges determine whether a fair use defense is valid according to four factors, which are listed here for educational purposes. In some other countries, there is a similar concept called « fair dealing » that may be applied differently.« 


« Russian Extreme Travels » (Экстремальные путешествия) and « Trekking in Altai » activities as per its websites and Facebook pages

Treeking in Altai-  Credit Facebook page "Trekking in Altai'
Экстремальные путешествия, Алтай, Extreme Travels in Russia, Olga Leonidovna Ozerova, Ольга Сим, Olga Sim,
Treeking in Altai- Credit Facebook page « Trekking in Altai’
Olga Leonidovna Ozerova, aka Olga Sim (Ольга Сим), from "Extreme Travels in Russia" (Экстремальные путешествия) Pakistan in winter "extreme-travels.org" ПАКИСТАН ЗИМОЙ Погружение на 4500 лет назад в древнюю цивилизацию долины Инда. Это уникальная возможность побывать в сердце пустыни Синд - древнем городе Хараппской цивилизации, городе из нашего школьного учебника по истории, Мохенджо-Даро, построенного примерно в 2600 г. до н.э. Сюда можно приехать только зимой, потому что в остальные месяцы в пустыне Синд стоит 40-50-градусная жара. Экстремальные путешествия. Ольга Сим (Olga Sim). Russian Extreme Travels, Trekking in Altai
Pakistan in winter – Credit « extreme-travels.org » website
Olga Leonidovna Ozerova, aka Olga Sim (Ольга Сим), from "Extreme Travels in Russia" (Экстремальные путешествия) Pakistan in spring - Credit "extreme-travels.org" website
ПАКИСТАН ВЕСНОЙ 27 фев. - 10 марта 2021 г. 95000 руб. Знакомство с горными народностями Каракорума и Гиндукуша - буришами, ваханцами, калашами, пуштунами. Уникальный маршрут по Северному Пакистану.Начальная и конечная точка маршрута - город Исламабад, столица Пакистана. За двенадцать дней мы познакомимся почти со всеми народами горного Пакистана, проживающими в провинциях Гилгит-Балтистан и Хайбер-Пахтунва. Мы не только полюбуемся на природные красоты на высоте 3000 метров, но и познакомимся с разнообразной культурой местных жителей. Языческие племена калашей, балти, или тибетцы-мусульмане, исмаилиты долины Хунза, и конечно же, грозные пуштуны. Russian Extreme Travels, Trekking in Altai
Pakistan in spring – Credit « extreme-travels.org » website
Olga Leonidovna Ozerova, aka Olga Sim (Ольга Сим), from "Extreme Travels in Russia" (Экстремальные путешествия) K2 base camp tour, Pakistan. Russian Extreme Travels, Trekking in Altai
Trekking to K2 base camp – Credit « extreme-travels.org » website
Trekking to Everest base camp - Credit "extreme-travels.org" website
Экстремальные путешествия, Ольга Сим (Olga Sim). ПОХОД К БАЗОВОМУ ЛАГЕРЮ ЭВЕРЕСТА. С перевалом Чо-Ла и озерами Гокьо. Трек представляет из себя поход к подножью высочайшей горы в мире - Эверест, высота которой 8848 м, санскритское названия горы - Сагарматха, тибетское - Джомолунгма. Из столицы Непала города Катманду нам надо будет на 1-моторном самолете прилететь в стартовую точка похода - г. Лукла. Сначала поход будет проходить вдоль долины Кхумбу (Центральные Гималаи), по которой мы постепенно поднимаемся к базлагерю Эвереста, 5300 м, и смотровой точке Кала-Паттар, 5640 м. На протяжении пути мы увидим весь спектр пейзажей Гималаев - от зеленых тропических джунглей в начале пути до сухих и пустынных скал по мере того, как поднимемся выше. Russian Extreme Travels, Trekking in Altai
Trekking to Everest base camp – Credit « extreme-travels.org » website

Olga Leonidovna Ozerova’s video on Facebook

Principal Teaches Students To Dance
This principal taught his students to shuffle dance so they could get more exercise

This video is embedded, here, to push it in SERP in place of the one leading to Olga Leonidovna Ozerova’s Facebook page

Extreme Travels in Russia: video on Facebook home page

Unique Uzbek Manti Dumplings
Uzbek manti dumplings are a traditional and beloved dish in Central Asia 🥟

This is one of the videos shown for a Google search under Extreme Travels in Russia / Экстремальные Путешествия. It is posted here to replace it in SERP’s

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"Extreme Travels"  (Экстремальные путешествия), a Russian travel operator, blackmails a French citizen, in Pakistan, with terrorism accusations. Pin

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On YouTube: Extreme Travels in Russia and Olga Sim plan for blackmailing French citizen in Pakistan

Publié par Bernard Grua

Graduated from Paris "Institut d'Etudes Politiques", financial auditor, photographer, founder and spokesperson of the worldwide movement which opposed to the delivery of Mitral invasion vessels to Putin's Russia, contributor to French and foreign media for culture, heritage and geopolitics.